
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not like it use to be

While I'm typing this, my kids are arguing.  Well, kind of.  My daughter is laughing her head off and my son is sternly saying, "It's not funny!!"

Rewind a little bit.  We're watching a nativity movie when my son tells my daughter, "Mary isn't riding a horse.  She's riding the A word."

My daughter is old enought to know what that means and looks at him funny, "What?"

His reply, "Ya, that's an old fashion word - it use to mean donkey."

Her laughter starts.  "How do you know that?"

My son, "Thomas (his friend) and I looked it up on the internet and it's true!"

So the night started with a movie about the birth of our Savior and ended up discussing what swear words use to mean in the old days.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


My brother in law was tucking his young and very tired daughter in bed and made the mistake of trying to talk to her.  (I'm guessing the standard questions like - did you have a good day today?)  She tells him, "Be quiet daddy, I need to go to sleep."  So he asks her if he can sing a song to her to help her fall asleep.  Her whispered reply, "I'm already asleep."

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Have I ever seen Dustin embarrassed before?

My husband is such the charmer.  My father was a romantic and set the bar pretty high for his daughters' husbands.  My husband doesn't try to match my dad but does romance his own personal style, which is great in my opinion. 

So this morning after a one-upping sarcastic match gone wrong, I get a text from my husband.  Maybe you've seen it - the cartoon dancing turkey with the song, "Thank You for Being A Friend" playing in the background.  Ahh, gotta check and see what time he sent it to see if it was after I was annoyed at him or before.  But before I do, there's a caption under it.  It says, "Hey turkey!  I love you!  I am thankful you are a part of my life.  (I'm thinking, awww - then the last line grabs my attention.)  -Lisa Timothy"

Ok - so let's see what time he sent it first.  6 minutes ago.  K, after I was annoyed.  Knowing my husband, I'm even more curious.  Who else did he send this to?  Quickly I look under details.  This is when I start laughing because he has sent it to a whole bunch of people.  I know he's outside working on the truck, but really talking to our neighbor right now so I just gotta tease him.  I walk outside and ask him, "Hey love, do you know what you just sent a bunch of people?"  His response, a little cautious, "Uh ...  ya?"  I'm laughing and tell him, "I don't think you do - look at this."  His expression was priceless.  Right then he gets a text back from one of the guys he studies with at school asking him who Lisa Timothy is.  Oh, he goes red and was so embarrassed.  He sent it to his mom, his sister, guys from work & school, ...

Yes he did grant me permission to post this.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh, the text came from Jaren just so y'all know.

It's MY Turn

Every year you hear about someone doing it.  It delays everything.  It can cause bad moods and hungry guests.  And this year I finally am taking my turn.

This morning, an hour before I plan on getting up and about 4 hours after going to bed, I get a text from my niece.  Ok, well I'm awake now so I might as well get a jump start on the turkey.  Yay!  I'll be ahead of schedule for once.  (Insert happy dance here.)  Preheated the oven right away to warm up the kitchen, got the stuffing made, the turkey all prepped / stuffed, I'm ready to go.  When I open the oven, it had just kicked back on and a blast of hot air pushes at me.  Down goes the temperature before putting the turkey in so that it isn't blarring at me the entire time.  In goes the turkey.  I'm thinking going back to bed sounds like a great idea.  Yup, forgot to turn the oven back on.  It's my turn this year, hopefully my hand is the only one up in the air claiming that mistake this year.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Friends' Corner

(From a friend ...)

We just bought a new computer. Just the basic tower, keyboard and mouse. We already had a good monitor. We were down to one sad little speaker and when it stopped working, I sprang for an early Christmas present, a $12.00 speaker set at Target. This morning I tried to install it. I followed the directions step by step, very carefully. I plugged the green tipped plug into the green hole in the computer. I went to the start menu, chose control panel then sound and audio devices etc. etc. and nothing happened. So I called customer support. She walked me through each step and when that didn’t work she suggested it might be our sound card. I searched “sound card” online and installed Driver Boost for the bargain price of $30.00 for 2 years. When that didn’t work, I called my neighbor who happened to be at home on this snow day (Don’t get me started about the schools being shut down because of the skiff of snow we got last night! I grew up in Utah and I don’t remember even 1 snow day!!!) My neighbor walked me through a few other things to check then suggested I call HP for warranty information. I explained to my y 7-year old, who had been patiently waiting for his turn on the computer that I needed to fix the sound and then he could have his turn. He promptly walked over to the keyboard and pushed the mute button.... Voila! We have sound! ....WHO KNEW THERE WAS A MUTE BUTTON ON THE KEYBOARD????!!!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow Day

When we first moved to Oregon and saw that they closed schools down for "snow days" when in reality there wasn't enough snow on the ground to cover the grass, I thought it was pretty funny.  I now understand that underneath the fine layer of dust is ice.  Nice ice that is going to be around for a while if it's cold enough to snow.

So today was a snow day.  No school for the kids - yippie!  Instead, there was laughing about the tiny baby snowflakes and wondering if they were going to stick.   The forgotten coats and borrowing older kids jackets so they can get in on the fun.  Making snow angels out of 1/3 snow, 1/3 leaves, and 1/3 mud.  Coming in without gloves and "showing" everyone how cold their hands are.  The pile of shoes, jackets, hats by the back door that I really am grateful didn't make it further into the house.  Watching movies to warm up.  Eating ice cream.  And then going back outside for more.  It's almost dark right now, the back porch light is on, and outside are 5 cold and very happy kids.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Put a Smile on My Face


total merchandise $143.02

paying $0.98 for it

ya, that gets me doing the happy dance

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Just got a coupon in my email, I'll share it with you - read their adjectives and then the restaurant name.  :)  Didn't ever put those two together buy hey, maybe it's just me, but I thought it was funny.

$10 for $20 Worth of Fresh, Fast, Healthy Mexican Fare at Taco Time

See Today's Groupon Deal
worth: discount: savings:
$20 50% $10
Company Information:
Taco Time
$10 for $20 Worth of Fresh, Fast, Healthy Mexican Fare at Taco Time

Saturday, November 20, 2010

4 Wheeling

Have to admit, haven't done much 4 wheeling in this truck.  In these pictures we went exploring without intentions of 4 wheeling, but ended up doing some anyway.  Cause you know - it's fun.

This may not look like a big deal, but let me tell you - we're sitting at a 45 degree angle and touching the hill that we're glad to not be actually laying on ...

 Yup, touching the hill while sitting inside ...

The hill was grateful when we were dislodged.  I was grateful that the evidence was easily removed - got the tires realigned and we're off for our next adventure.

Friday, November 19, 2010

You Better Watch Out

Cute little 3 year old girl goes to give a teething 10 month old a hug.  Very adorable.  Till she's pulling away and her nose gets in the vacinity of the baby's mouth.  Yup.  She got it.  Just goes to show, babies will put anything in their mouths.


If you find yourself at my house today, you're in for a treat.  :)  Literally.  Unless they're all gone ...

So this post won't make you laugh, but if you make them I'm betting it'll put a few smiles on your face.  :)

When I saw this recipe I really wanted to try it and since today is a chocolate day, yay - we're making these.  :)  Can I tell you -wow- how great they are?!?  Even the dough is just fantastic.  I won't claim them to be my favorite, cause LaDawn didn't make them.  They are pretty great though. 

Chocolate Chip Cookies  (this recipe is doubled)

2 C butter
1 1/2 C packed brown sugar
1/2 C sugar
1 pkg (larger box) chocolate fudge pudding
1 Tbsp vanilla
4 eggs
2 tsp baking soda
4 1/2 C flour
1 pkg chocolate chips

Mix butter, sugars, and pudding.  Add eggs, vanilla, and b. soda.  Gradually add flour.  Stir in chips.  Bake for apx 9 minutes.


My note:  most of you know we eat mostly organic.  In this recipe I used the Red Mill organic stone ground wheat flour.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One Liners

A three year old girl while eating breakfast splashes some milk on her arm.  Naturally, she licks the milk off of her arm and then exclaims, "I taste like cotton candy!"

Same girl, after thinking about it for a few minutes asks, "What do you taste like?  ..  I think cereal."

Little 2 year old from yesterday morning - standing up at the table sucking in air trying to copy the hiccups from yesterday.  :)

When talking about what we should have for lunch - with much exuberance, "I want peanut butter and marshmellows!"

Looking at a map of the United States and pointing to Canada, "There's where the moon is, right there!"

A 6th Grader's Perspective

I got to be a chaperone with my son's science class' field trip.  It was great and I really wish I had my camera with me.  With 45 students (1 1/2 classes) and parents, the bus was quite crowded.  My own son wanted to sit with his friend which is fine - the boy gladly gives my hugs and kisses in front of his friends so really I'm already treading into borrowed time here - but this girl moved her stuff over and offered me to share her seat.  Very kind of her.  She was very tuned into her DSi, but occasionally would pop to talk a bit.  At one point, she was telling me about her older brother.  I guess I started thinking about my own daughter and thinking how she'll describe her older brother when she's this age when I blurt out, "Older brothers are pretty awesome, hu?"  Wow.  If you know my niece Kim, it was one of her, "Have you come from another dimension?" look.  Wrong thing to say.  She went back to her DSi.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Road Trip

You know, when you're on roadtrips, you can see just about anything.  Here's a few things that got chuckles from us:

This is at McDonald's - couldn't get the sign in.  We loved that someone just drove their tractor right up to Mc-E-Dee's:

And a Wal-Mart shot - this dude was parked right next to us:

Northern California

In all the times we've been to the ocean, I have never seen whales this close up.  These were just incredible!  Here we caught the whale blowing, if you look close you can see the different color under the water - yup, that's a whale.  :)

Check this out, the whale's tail!

These were shore sitings - we were VERY excited!  Dustin was ready to throw his wetsuit on and go swimming with them.  :)  It was great!  Put smiles on all of our faces - hopefully it will for you too.

What's Going On?

As we're eating breakfast this morning, a 2 year old girl gets the hiccups.  While they're pretty cute sounding and if I'd thought about it I would've recorded this, but I didn't so I'll tell you instead.

In her cute little squeeky 2 year old way, she hiccups and then with just a shocked look on her face, she says, "Wo-oh!"  With each new hiccup again the startled look expressing her concern over what was happening to her body and then say again, "Wo-oh!"

Monday, November 15, 2010

Whose Shirt?

A few weeks ago I was hunting for a new casual shirt for my husband.  I found an awesome black t-shirt with a motorcycle on the back.  I am a total sucker for a nice bike.  So I bought it for him.  Since it was on sale and I had a coupon, I bought one for myself too.  :)  Every time I wear it, the same 3 year old little boy asks me, "You wearing Dustin's shirt?"  So to my satisfaction, he put his on and a little 3 year old girl asked him, "Why are you wearing Tamra's shirt?"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Time to Play

In a last ditch effort to make every single second of his allotted electronic game time count, I walk in to see my son playing not only a game on the computer, but he also has his DSI out playing a game on it too.  While laughing about it, he lets me know that he really has 2 different games going on the internet so really he's playing 3 at the same time - so that he can switch back and forth between the games while he waits for another game to do it's thing.  Gotta make that 1/2 hour count!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fun Stuff

My son can make just about anything out of paper.  He's young and could write a book about origami.  Today he make a paper airplane for a 3 year old just for fun.  The proud 3 year old walks up to me with the airplane upside down and backwards, throws it at me (guess how great it flew), and then frustrated tells me, "you 'pose to catch it!"

Thursday, November 11, 2010


One mom dropping her 2 year old off, we'll call the mom "Jane."  Well Jane's daughter is not a morning person and leaving her mom just isn't on her list of easy things to do.  One tactic a lot of parents use is to get their child occupied and then sneak off when the child is happy and not paying attention.  Sound familiar?

She's getting down the hall, opening the door, whispering bye to me and quietly closing the door with about 2 inches to go when another 3 year old girl sees her and yells top notch, "Goodbye Jane!"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What is That?

For my own strange and crazy reasons, I make our deodorant.  While that in itself might be enough to make you laugh, there really is more to the story here. 

Today I got more made and there's about 1/4 C left.  Not wanting to waste it, I left it on the counter waiting for me to decide what to do with it. 

A few hours later, my son comes home from school.  Believing his mom to be a pretty good cook, he's happy to see a bowl of white something sitting in front of the cookie jar.  This is what I hear:

"What is that?"

- pause -

"Yyyy-uck!"  ... and the kitchen faucet goes on.  Sorry.

Today's Gift

Three year old boy, "I'm never never never going to heaven.  Ever ever!"

Now this is a pretty good kid so I have to ask, "Why?"

His response, with an 'of course' attitude, "Because my mommy & daddy love me."

I'm guessing it's cause he wants to stay here with them.  :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gets My Attention EVERY Time

No matter what else is going on or how crazy it is around here, there is one phrase that will always get my attention:

From one three year old to another, "Do you want your hair cut?"

Actual scissors were not involved - just "pretend" with U-NO Jenga blocks.  Gives my heart palpatations all the same.

Always a Surprise

This true story starts out on a rainy morning.  This morning to be precise.  It's raining today, which it does 6 months out of the year and my husband is outside moving stuff in the back of the truck around.  He comments to me that he needs a rain coat on.  Okay, since I'm not doing anything else to help him, I can get him something to keep him dry at least.  :)  Cause I love my husband.  :)

When he puts the jacket on, it's a few minutes but eventually his hands go into the pockets.  He stops, makes a funny face, and slowly pulls out not 1 handful, but both hands full of broken sea shells, melted and rehardened goo, some old kleenex, and I'm really not sure of what the rest is.  He's grossed out and I'm laughing.  So to that very special someone who was with us at the beach this past summer, borrowed a jacket, and was kind enough to be the garbage can for all of the kids - thank you.  This morning was a round of laughs when we figured it out.  :)

Friday, November 5, 2010


Yesterday my friend came over during lunch time.  A captive audience awaited her since she knocked on the door and it's the biggest deal when someone is at the door - who is it?  When she came in, instead of saying "hi", she gets asked, "Where is your husband?" 

Her reply, "I don't have one."

Next question, "Why not?"

Fast forward a few hours later, a dad is picking up his son.  My daughter looks at him - then at this son - then back at him and tells him, "I don't get it.  You're bald but (pointing to his son) he isn't ..."

I should put a warning sign on the front door.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

From a Friend

My 7 year-old woke up much earlier than usual and was surprised to see that it was still dark outside. He said “Wow! Does Dad get up for work like this every morning? I was only up this early one other time and that was Christmas!”

Monday, November 1, 2010

Texting Gone Wrong

I think the prediction on texting can come in quite useful, but it can be quite annoying when you mean one word and another gets sent instead.  We've all done it - but this one was too funny to pass on.

What the text was suppose to say:  (Blank) won't be coming tomorrow, things fell through... 

What the text actually said:  (Blank) won't be coming tomorrow, thongs fell through...

Sleep Needed

You know you're tired when -
     you're looking in the fridge and see a chunck of raw sausauge in plastic, but your mind thinks, "huh - I didn't know we had pink cake"